How has the Armenian Genocide affected the foreign relations of Turkey and Armenia toward each other in recent decades?

a.Turkey and Armenia have never established formal diplomatic relations.
b.Turkey and Armenia have been involved in multiple major wars since WWI.
c.Turkey and Armenia formed a joint economic alliance in hopes of reconciling.
d.Turkey and Armenia have become military allies through NATO.

The answer is a, it was in previous workbooks

reed is slightly rude to us...

c is wrong just took test.

these comments with ms sue and reed are always funny LMAOO

ms sue post your addy i want to visit

its A... also lmfao who knew there could be ppl talking shmack abt an answer 💀💀

chicken fingers

so whats the answer

lol right

the correct answer is c

Thanks for the heads-up about the cheater/spammer that went by several names in the wee hours this a.m.

S/he was also rude. We don't need that type here!

Nope. Two guesses and now you're on your own. Don't post another guess.