which two types of clouds indicate fair weather?

A.cirrus and cumulus-My Answer
B.cirrus and stratus
C.cumulus and stratus
D.cumulus and nimostratus

Go to the head of the class, you are right.

mr.e is dope XD



Promise these are right! Have a good day and stay safe!

Ok thank you

I will post all of the answers for you guys! :):)

Let me just take the test! :):)


1. c-fair weather
2. d-cool temperatures and the presence of particles
3. a-cirrus and cumulus
4. a-water vapor in the cool air condenses into tiny droplets of water, forming clouds.

"so many people" wooooooow…..

The correct answer is A. Cirrus and Cumulus clouds indicate fair weather.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and explain each cloud type:

A. Cirrus and Cumulus clouds:
- Cirrus clouds are high, wispy clouds consisting of ice crystals. They generally indicate fair weather and can be seen in the form of thin, feathery strands or appear like streaks or bands across the sky.
- Cumulus clouds are large, white, fluffy clouds with a flat base and a distinct puffy shape. They often indicate fair weather but can develop into thunderstorm clouds if they continue to grow and darken.

B. Cirrus and Stratus clouds:
- Cirrus clouds (as explained above) indicate fair weather.
- Stratus clouds are low, flat clouds that cover the sky like a blanket. They are often gray or white and can bring light rain or drizzle. Therefore, they do not typically indicate fair weather.

C. Cumulus and Stratus clouds:
- Cumulus clouds (as explained above) can indicate fair weather.
- Stratus clouds (as explained above) do not typically indicate fair weather.

D. Cumulus and Nimbostratus clouds:
- Cumulus clouds (as explained above) can indicate fair weather.
- Nimbostratus clouds are dark, thick, and low-layered clouds that bring steady and continuous rain or snowfall. They tend to cover the sky entirely. Therefore, they do not typically indicate fair weather.

To summarize, the clouds that indicate fair weather are Cirrus and Cumulus clouds, so the correct answer is A. Cirrus and Cumulus clouds.