Identify one conflict from the novel that develops due to the different perspectives of the characters involves. Explain how this conflict affects the characters and serves to advance the plot of the story.

To identify a conflict in a novel that develops due to different perspectives, you will need to analyze the characters' interactions and their varying points of view. Here's a step-by-step guide to finding and explaining such a conflict:

1. Read the novel: Begin by reading or reviewing the novel in question. Pay attention to the details of each character and how they perceive events and situations.

2. Identify different perspectives: Look for instances where characters have contrasting opinions, beliefs, or attitudes. These differences in perspective often lead to conflicts between them.

3. Choose a conflict: Select one conflict that arises from the characters' different perspectives. This conflict could involve a clash of ideas, values, goals, or ways of seeing the world.

4. Describe the conflict: Explain the conflict by highlighting the opposing viewpoints of the characters involved. Provide examples from the novel to illustrate how these different perspectives give rise to the conflict.

5. Explore its effect on the characters: Discuss how the conflict affects the characters' emotions, actions, relationships, or personal growth. Consider if it causes tension, strain, or animosity among them. Note any changes or developments in their attitudes or behavior as a result of the conflict.

6. Analyze its impact on the plot: Discuss how the conflict drives the plot forward. Consider if the conflict creates obstacles for the characters, leading to complications or new events. Examine how the conflict's resolution, if it occurs, shapes the story's trajectory.

Remember, each novel is unique, and the conflict you identify will depend on the specifics of the story and its characters. Providing specific details and examples from the novel will make your explanation more accurate and robust.