What were some effects of the Seven Years’ War?

(Select all that apply.)

A.France surrendered Canada to Britain through the Treaty of Paris.

B.France’s Caribbean colonies rose up in rebellion and gained independence.

C.Britain lost all of its North American colonies to Austria.

D.Britain gained exclusive trading rights in Bengal, India.

I think it is A and D??

Yes, A and D

Yes, your answer is correct. The effects of the Seven Years' War included France surrendering Canada to Britain through the Treaty of Paris (option A) and Britain gaining exclusive trading rights in Bengal, India (option D).

To arrive at this answer, you would need to have some familiarity with the historical context of the Seven Years' War. Additionally, you could use various resources such as textbooks, academic articles, or reliable websites to find information on the consequences of the war.

Regarding option B, it is incorrect. Although there were rebellions in France's Caribbean colonies, they did not gain independence as a direct result of the Seven Years' War.

Option C is also incorrect. Britain did not lose all of its North American colonies to Austria as a consequence of the war. Austria was not even involved in the conflict.