Most people have probably read the play "The Crucible".

in his autobiography, Timebends, Arthur Miller writes that "the real story" of the Salem witch trials is to be found in "the breaking of charity" within a human community.
i need help understanding what Miller means by this statement.
my question is could this "breaking of charity" destroy a community today.please explain if you know

Take a look at definitions 5 and 6. Then let me know what you think.

so breaking of charity means breaking the love or relationship between one another?

Yes -- breaking the close community they had built together.

ok. so "breaking of charity" could definitly destroy a community...

In the case of this particular community, it ripped the community apart. Yes.
Read the section on "hysteria."

To understand Arthur Miller's statement about the "breaking of charity," it is important to first look at the concept of charity in this context. In his autobiography, Miller suggests that the core issue behind the Salem witch trials was not just finding and punishing witches, but rather the erosion of kindness, compassion, and empathy within the community.

In this case, the term "breaking of charity" refers to the breakdown of trust and unity among community members. The accusations and subsequent trials during the Salem witch trials led to an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, pitting neighbor against neighbor. People were easily turned against one another, often based on personal grudges or differences in beliefs.

Miller believed that this lack of charity among the community members ultimately led to the destruction of both individuals and the community as a whole. Instead of supporting and caring for one another, the community turned on itself, leading to chaos and tragedy.

Now, in terms of applying this concept to today's society, it is worth considering the potential impact that a "breaking of charity" can have on a community. If a community loses its sense of empathy, compassion, and understanding, it can contribute to the deterioration of social bonds and the breakdown of trust.

In a modern context, this could manifest in various ways, such as political polarization or social divisions based on race, religion, or other factors. When people prioritize their own interests over the well-being of others, it can lead to a lack of cooperation, empathy, and mutual support. This, in turn, can contribute to social unrest, hostility, and the disintegration of community cohesion.

Thus, it is important for communities to actively foster a sense of charity, kindness, and empathy towards one another. Encouraging open dialogue, promoting understanding, and practicing empathy can help mitigate the risks of a "breaking of charity" and help to build a more compassionate and united community.