15pt= square qt

a 30
b 71/2
d 22 1/2

same as before

What is a square qt ??

To find the value of "t" in the equation 15pt = square qt, we can solve for "t" by rearranging the equation and isolating "t" on one side.

The equation 15pt = square qt tells us that the product of 15 and "p" multiplied by "t" is equal to the square of "q" multiplied by "t".

First, we divide both sides of the equation by "t" to isolate the terms involving "t" on one side:

15pt / t = (square qt) / t

Simplifying, we have:

15p = square q

Now, we need to find the value of "q" to further solve for "t". By taking the square root of both sides of the equation, we can calculate the value of "q":

√(15p) = √(square q)

The square root of the square of "q" simplifies to just "q" itself:

√(15p) = q

Next, substitute the options given for "q" (30, 71/2, 45, and 22 1/2) into the equation. Calculate the square root of 15p for each option and check if it matches the value of "q". The option that satisfies the equation is the correct choice.

a) For q = 30:
√(15p) = √(15 * 30) = √450 ≈ 21.2 (not equal to 30)

b) For q = 71/2:
√(15p) = √(15 * 71/2) = √(1065/2) ≈ 23.1 (not equal to 71/2)

c) For q = 45:
√(15p) = √(15 * 45) = √675 ≈ 25.98 (not equal to 45)

d) For q = 22 1/2:
√(15p) = √(15 * 22 1/2) = √(337.5) ≈ 18.36 (not equal to 22 1/2)

None of the options match the value of "q" calculated from the equation. Double-check the given equation or provide additional information to ensure accuracy.