A woman has twice as many dimes as quarters in her purse. If the dimes were quarters and the quarters were dimes, she would have $1.20 more than she now has. How many of each does she have now?

I need help with this t00

so, what have they told you?

d = 2q
10q+25d = 10d+25q + 120

now just find d and q

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's assume that the woman has x quarters and 2x dimes in her purse currently.

The value of quarters in her purse is 25 cents each, so the total value of quarters is 25 * x cents.
The value of dimes in her purse is 10 cents each, so the total value of dimes is 10 * 2x = 20 * x cents.

According to the given information, if the dimes were quarters and the quarters were dimes, she would have $1.20 more than she currently has. We can express this relationship with the equation:

25 * (2x) + 10 * x = 20 * x + 1.20

Simplifying this equation, we get:

50x + 10x = 20x + 1.20
60x = 20x + 1.20
60x - 20x = 1.20
40x = 1.20
x = 1.20 / 40
x = 0.03

Now we know that she has 0.03 quarters and 2 * 0.03 = 0.06 dimes in her purse.

However, since we cannot have a fraction of a coin, we need to convert these values into whole numbers. Let's multiply everything by 100 to get rid of decimals:

0.03 * 100 = 3 quarters
0.06 * 100 = 6 dimes

So, the woman has 3 quarters and 6 dimes in her purse now.