I am doing a skit on being an annoying wife, questioning her husband on what he was doing and where he was.

"where did you go after dinner"
qu'as-tu fait après dîner ?
or can I write
Que faisais-tu après dîner?

thanks in advance

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Although you call this "l'imparfait" the first question is the passé composé.

Where did you go after dinner? = Où es-tu allé après le dîner?

Qu'as-tu fait après le dîner? = will ask "What did you do after dinner?"

Que faisais-tu après le dîner? = this is l'imparfait = What were you doing after dinner?

Sra (aka Mme)


Both of the phrases you provided are correct translations of "Where did you go after dinner" in French:

1. "Where did you go after dinner" can be translated as "Où es-tu allé après dîner" in French.

2. "Qu'as-tu fait après dîner" is also an accurate translation. It means "What did you do after dinner?"

However, if you specifically want to ask "What were you doing after dinner?", the appropriate translation would be "Que faisais-tu après dîner?"

In your skit, you can use either of these translations based on the context and the tone you want to convey.