1.name the componets of the respiratory system in the order incoming encounter them during breathing.





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The correct order of components of the respiratory system that are encountered during breathing is:

4. pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli

To understand this, let's break down each component:

1. Pharynx: This is the muscular tube at the back of your throat.
2. Larynx: Also known as the voice box, it is located below the pharynx and contains the vocal cords.
3. Trachea: Commonly known as the windpipe, it is a tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi.
4. Bronchi: The trachea branches into two bronchi, one leading to each lung.
5. Alveoli: Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles within the lungs where gas exchange occurs.

So, when you breathe in, air enters through the nose or mouth and passes through the pharynx. Then it moves into the larynx and further down the trachea. The trachea branches into two bronchi, which deliver the air into each lung. Finally, the air reaches the alveoli, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.