-8x > -64

A little confused on how this is done.

-8x > -64

Divide both sides by -8. Turn the sign around because you're dividing by a negative number.

x < 8

one way is to remember to change direction when multiplying/dividing by negative values. So,

-8x > -64
x < 8

This is just a shortcut to doing the addition/subtraction to swap sides:

-8x > -64
add 8x:
0 > 8x-64
add 64:
64 > 8x
8 > x

no change of direction needed here, but the 8x still winds up on the proper side of the arrow

Thank you so much!

You're very welcome.

To solve the inequality -8x > -64, you need to isolate the variable x on one side.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the inequality by -8. Keep in mind that when you divide or multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign flips.

-8x/-8 < -64/-8

This simplifies to:

x < 8

So the solution to the inequality -8x > -64 is x < 8.