There were 400 seats in a concert hall. 360 seats were occupied . What percentage of the seats were not occupied ?

[(400 - 360) / 400] * 100%


400 - 360 = 40

( not occupied )
40/400 *100

75 %

To find out what percentage of the seats were not occupied, you need to calculate the ratio of the unoccupied seats to the total number of seats and then convert it to a percentage. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the number of unoccupied seats by subtracting the number of occupied seats from the total number of seats.
Unoccupied seats = Total seats - Occupied seats
Unoccupied seats = 400 - 360
Unoccupied seats = 40

Step 2: Calculate the ratio of unoccupied seats to the total number of seats.
Ratio of unoccupied seats = (Unoccupied seats / Total seats) * 100
Ratio of unoccupied seats = (40 / 400) * 100
Ratio of unoccupied seats = 10%

Therefore, 10% of the seats were not occupied.

400 - 360= 40 | 400

40/100 × 400 × .40
------------- = 160.00 or 160% (my opinion, sorry if wrong)