what is a predicate? My son's assignment is to circle the action verb and underline the predicate. I've tried to explain what a predicate is, but he still doesn't understand.

A predicate is the verb plus all of the words that go with it.

1. Ask him to find the verb.
2. Ask him to find who or what is doing the action. That plus the words that go with it is the subject.
3. The rest is the predicate.

This site may help him.


Thanks Ms.Sue and Writeacher...website was a big help. My son now has a better understanding subject/predicate!

very happy :)

the part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject (e.g., went home in John went home ).


A predicate is a grammatical term that refers to the part of a sentence that contains the verb and provides information about the subject. It includes all of the words or phrases that modify or complete the verb.

To help your son understand what a predicate is, you can explain it in simpler terms:

1. Start by explaining what a subject is. The subject is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about. For example, in the sentence "The cat is sleeping," the subject is "the cat."

2. Then, explain that the predicate is everything else in the sentence. In our example sentence, "is sleeping" is the predicate. It includes the verb "is" and the action or state of the subject "sleeping."

To identify the predicate, follow these steps:

1. Ask your son to find the verb in the sentence. The verb is usually an action word or a word that describes a state of being. For example, in the sentence "They play soccer," "play" is the verb.

2. Once he identifies the verb, tell him that the predicate includes any words or phrases that go along with or describe the verb. For example, in the sentence "They play soccer every Saturday," the predicate includes "play soccer every Saturday."

Encourage your son to circle the action verb and underline the words or phrases that complete or modify the verb. This way, he will be able to identify both the action verb and the predicate.

A predicate is the verb and all that goes with it in the sentence. The main verb can also be called the simple predicate, and the rest is the complete predicate.

Little Bobby was hungry and ate all the hamburger.

In that sentence the main verb is "was hungry [and] ate" -- the complete predicate is from "was" to the end of the sentence.