

Thanks for helping me. Currently, this is the only question that I'm confused, and that's preventing me from submitting my assessment.

6. Bacteria in ingested food is killed in the (1 point)

a) antrum. - I'm not sure if I should call the stomach a cavity...
b) pyloric sphincter. - It acts as a valve to controls the flow of partially digested food, so, It doesn't kill bacteria, according to what I know.
c) fundus. - Maybe, since it can represent the upper part of the stomach.
d) cardiac sphincter. - keeps stomach acids and other stomach contents from pushing up and into the esophagus, so no...

Hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach, and it kills most of the bacteria.
Could someone please help me?

- Da Fash

Since Jiskha doesn't have a biology or A&P expert at this time, please try posting your question at this site.


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Ok, thanks! :)

Hello Da Fash! I'd be happy to help you with this question.

To find the correct answer, let's analyze each option and eliminate the ones that do not align with the information you provided.

a) Antrum: You mentioned that you are not sure if the stomach can be referred to as a cavity, so it may be best to eliminate this option for now.

b) Pyloric sphincter: According to your knowledge, the pyloric sphincter controls the flow of partially digested food and does not kill bacteria. Since we are looking for the part of the digestive system that kills bacteria, we can eliminate this option.

c) Fundus: The fundus is the upper part of the stomach. While it is true that hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach and kills bacteria, we need to consider if the fundus specifically is responsible for this action. It might be worth investigating this further.

d) Cardiac sphincter: The cardiac sphincter prevents stomach acids and other stomach contents from flowing back up into the esophagus. This function does not involve killing bacteria, so we can eliminate this option.

Now that we have eliminated a couple of options, let's focus on deciding between the remaining ones (a and c).

To determine if the fundus or the antrum is responsible for killing bacteria in the ingested food, we need to understand the role of each region in the digestive process. If you have access to your study materials or other reliable sources, I would recommend referring to them to gather more information about the roles of the fundus and antrum in the stomach.

If you are unable to find the specific information you need, you could also consider reaching out to a teacher, classmate, or conducting further research online to clarify the functions of the fundus and antrum in the digestion process.

Once you have a better understanding of the roles of the fundus and antrum, you should be able to determine which one is more likely to be involved in killing bacteria in ingested food.

I hope this guidance helps you find the answer to your question. Good luck with your assessment! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.