Solve the inequality:


A) d<-8
B) d>8
c) d<8
D) d>-8

I think B

To solve the inequality 25 > 1 - 3d, we can start by isolating the variable d.

Step 1: Add 3d to both sides of the inequality:
25 + 3d > 1 - 3d + 3d
25 + 3d > 1

Step 2: Simplify the equation:
3d + 25 > 1

Step 3: Subtract 25 from both sides of the equation:
3d + 25 - 25 > 1 - 25
3d > -24

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 3 (to get d by itself):
(3d)/3 > (-24)/3
d > -8

So, the solution to the inequality 25 > 1 - 3d is d > -8.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) d > 8.

24 > -3 d

8 > -d
-8 < d change direction of arrow when multiplying both sides by negative
d > -8

