What is the process of Scientific Notation? It gets confusing between whole numbers and decimals. (Also, sorry about the tons of questions; been a while since I went on Jishka :P)


A number in scientific notation consists of a single digit followed by some decimal places times a power of 10.


3.456 x (10^14)

if the exponent of 10 is positive, the number is "large"
if the exponent is negative you are looking at a small number.

to change a number in scientific notation to one in standard form, move the decimal place the same number of places as is the exponent.
If the exponent is positive, move it to the right,
if the exponent is negative, move it to the left.

well ten years later😎😱

No problem at all! I'm here to help. Scientific notation is a way to express very large or very small numbers in a more concise format. It is often used in scientific and mathematical calculations. The general form of scientific notation is:

a x 10^n

where "a" is a number between 1 and 10 (the coefficient), and "n" is an integer representing the power of 10. This notation allows us to represent numbers using fewer digits and makes calculations involving very large or small numbers more manageable.

To convert a number to scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. If the number is a whole number, convert it to decimal form by adding a decimal point at the end (e.g., 500 becomes 500.0).

2. If the number is already in decimal form, move the decimal point to the right until it is to the right of the first non-zero digit, counting the number of places you moved it. This will give you the coefficient "a".

3. Count the total number of places you moved the decimal point. If you moved it to the right, the exponent "n" will be negative. If you moved it to the left, the exponent "n" will be positive.

4. Write the number in scientific notation as "a x 10^n", where "a" is the coefficient and "n" is the exponent.

For example, let's convert the number 350,000 to scientific notation:

1. Add a decimal point at the end: 350,000 becomes 350,000.0

2. Move the decimal point to the right until it is to the right of the first non-zero digit (3.5), and count the number of places you moved it. In this case, we moved it 5 places.

3. The coefficient "a" is 3.5, and the exponent "n" is 5.

4. The number in scientific notation is 3.5 x 10^5.

If the number is already in decimal form, you can skip Step 1 and directly apply Steps 2 to 4.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the process of scientific notation. Feel free to ask any further questions!