The number of blocks has 9 in the ones place. The number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place. Those two numbers equal 11. How many blocks are there?


To find the number of blocks, let's break down the clues given:

1. The number of blocks has 9 in the ones place.
Knowing this, we can conclude that the number of blocks must be a multiple of 9.

2. The number in the hundreds place is one more than the number in the tens place.
Let's call the number in the tens place 'x'. Then, the number in the hundreds place is 'x + 1'.

3. The sum of the tens and hundreds place is 11.
Summing up the tens place 'x' and the hundreds place 'x + 1' gives us 'x + (x + 1) = 11'.

Let's solve this equation to find the value of 'x', which represents the tens place.