A fossil fuel electric-power plant consumes 9800 Btu to produce 1kWh of electrical energy. Calculate the conversion efficiency if 1kWh is equivalent to 3410 Btu

To calculate the conversion efficiency of the fossil fuel electric-power plant, we need to find the ratio of the useful energy output (1 kWh) to the energy input (9800 Btu).

Step 1: Convert the energy input to kWh:
1 kWh is equal to 3410 Btu, so we can divide the energy input by 3410 to convert it to kWh:
9800 Btu ÷ 3410 Btu/kWh = 2.87 kWh

Step 2: Calculate the conversion efficiency:
The conversion efficiency is given by the formula: (Useful Energy Output / Energy Input) x 100%

Conversion Efficiency = (1 kWh / 2.87 kWh) x 100%
Conversion Efficiency ≈ 34.8%

Therefore, the conversion efficiency of the fossil fuel electric-power plant is approximately 34.8%.