Tariq jogs 63250m every week.how much will he jog in 149 days?


63250 * (149/7)

To find out how much Tariq will jog in 149 days, we need to first find the average distance he jogs per day.

We can do this by dividing the total distance he jogs per week (63250m) by the number of days in a week (7 days):

63250m / 7 days = 9035.71m per day (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, we can find how much Tariq will jog in 149 days by multiplying the average daily distance by the number of days:

9035.71m/day x 149 days = 1,346,786.79m (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Tariq will jog approximately 1,346,786.79 meters in 149 days.

To find out how much Tariq will jog in 149 days, we can first calculate how much he jogs in a day.

Since he jogs 63250 meters every week, we can divide this by 7 to find out how much he jogs in a day:

63250 meters / 7 days = 9035.71 meters per day

Now, we can multiply Tariq's daily distance by the number of days to find out how much he will jog in 149 days:

9035.71 meters/day * 149 days = 1,346,428.79 meters

Therefore, Tariq will jog approximately 1,346,428.79 meters in 149 days.