1. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and experiment process with pictures.

2. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and testing process with pictures.

3. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and experiment procedure with pictures.

4. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and testing procedure with pictures.
I have made sentences in several ways. Which terms do we have to use? Would you let me know appropriate English terms?

None seem appropriate. If you write down the procedures, etc., you write them. If you document them with pictures, it's not in writing.

Grammatically, they are all okay. They might be better if you said THE process or procedure, meaning the specific one(s) you used.

I would change the verbs:

... list the preparation materials ...

... describe the testing process and include pictures ...

... describe the experiment procedure and include pictures ...

That would be better, yes, Writeacher. I assumed an either/or, written or photographic documentation. Today, some things are told only in video/pictures. Both would be a more complete description of the experiment.

In the context of completing a report, it would be more appropriate to use the term "experiment procedure" or "experimental procedure" instead of "testing process" or "testing procedure." The term "experiment procedure" refers to the specific steps or actions carried out in conducting an experiment, while "preparation materials" refers to the materials and equipment needed beforehand.

So, based on the sentences you provided, the appropriate terms to use would be:

1. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and experiment procedure with pictures.
2. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and experiment procedure with pictures.
3. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and experiment procedure with pictures.
4. To complete the report, you should write down preparation materials and experiment procedure with pictures.

Using these terms will make your sentences more accurate and clear in the context of writing a report.