she did not respond when i called.

Please let us know what your question is.



Books generally don't return phone calls.

If someone did not respond when you called them, there could be a few reasons for this. It's important to note that I don't have enough information to give you a definitive answer, but I can give you a general idea of possible reasons.

1. They didn't hear the call: It's possible that the person you called did not hear their phone ringing. They might have been in a noisy environment or their phone could have been on silent mode.

2. They missed the call: The person you called might not have been available at the time you called. They could have been busy or engaged in another activity and missed your call.

3. Technical issues: It's possible that there were technical issues with either your phone or the recipient's phone. Network problems, low signal strength, or a malfunctioning phone can prevent calls from connecting.

4. Ignoring the call intentionally: There is a chance that the person intentionally ignored your call for personal reasons. They might not have wanted to speak at that moment or they could have been avoiding your call for various reasons.

To know the exact reason why the person you called did not respond, it is best to directly communicate with them and ask for an explanation.