If a file named "myfile" has -r--r--r-- permissions.  Write the command to change it to -rwxr-xr-- permissions using both the octal and symbolic modes of the appropriate command (octal mode was included in the instructor's lecture and published on this web site in the files area, it is not the textbook). (2 points):

command in symbolic mode:
command in octal mode:

In symbolic mode, you can use the chmod command followed by the permission changes you want to make. The symbolic mode uses letters to represent the permissions, with the following meanings:

- r: read
- w: write
- x: execute
- -: no permission

To change the permissions on the "myfile" file to -rwxr-xr--, you can use the following command:

chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r myfile

In this command:
- `u=rwx` sets the permissions for the owner (u) to read, write, and execute (rwx).
- `g=rx` sets the permissions for the group (g) to read and execute (rx).
- `o=r` sets the permissions for others (o) to read only (r).

Now, let's discuss the command in octal mode. In octal mode, the permissions are represented by a three-digit number, where each digit corresponds to the permissions for the owner, group, and others, respectively.

Here's the command to change the permissions on "myfile" to -rwxr-xr-- using octal mode:

chmod 754 myfile

In this command, each digit represents the set of permissions for the corresponding user category:
- 7 (the first digit) corresponds to the owner and grants read (4), write (2), and execute (1) permissions.
- 5 (the second digit) corresponds to the group and grants read (4) and execute (1) permissions.
- 4 (the third digit) corresponds to others and grants read (4) permission.

By using the chmod command with the appropriate permission changes, you can modify the permissions of the "myfile" file in both symbolic and octal modes.