Could someone check my answer for me?? :)

If a photograph is balanced, it has what??
A) All of the color in one corner
B) Two focal points that are the same size
C) Objects, Color and Texture distributed throughout the piece***
D) A healthy Diet

I'm pretty sure it is C, but I really don't want to get this one wrong!!

help me I have no idea about this quiz its middle school digital art and design connections academy unit 2 lesson 3 quiz and I dont have any idea help me

Well, A and D are certainly out!!

And B ... well, that's not good composition.

So yes, I agree with you that it's C.

Thanks!! ;D

You're welcome!


write teacher do u know all the answer, if u do it would be nice if you can tell me, it will help me understand and get a better grade than b +

To check your answer, you can evaluate each option and see which one aligns with the concept of a balanced photograph:

A) All of the color in one corner: This option suggests that all color is concentrated in one corner of the photograph. However, a balanced photograph typically has a distribution of color throughout the piece, rather than being predominantly concentrated in one area.

B) Two focal points that are the same size: This option refers to having two points of interest in the photograph that are of equal size. While this can be a compositional technique, it does not necessarily indicate a balanced photograph overall.

C) Objects, Color, and Texture distributed throughout the piece: This option suggests that a balanced photograph should have a thoughtful distribution of objects, color, and texture throughout the frame. This aligns with the concept of balance because it implies a visual equilibrium and harmony within the composition.

D) A healthy diet: This option seems unrelated to the concept of balancing a photograph and can be eliminated.

Based on the evaluation of each option, it appears that your answer of C) Objects, Color, and Texture distributed throughout the piece is correct. Well done!