What resulted from European explorers discovering new lands during the Age of Discovery?

the indigenous peoples of America transmitted smallpocks to European explorers

new foods and resources were brought back to European markets

europeans adopted American religions customs into Protestant Christianity

many of the indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed

is this one b and d

Yes, b and d.

thank u

Yes, you are correct. The results of European explorers discovering new lands during the Age of Discovery include:

- New foods and resources were brought back to European markets (Option B).
- Many of the indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed (Option D).

The transmission of smallpox from the indigenous peoples to the European explorers actually occurred in the opposite direction. The Europeans brought diseases like smallpox with them, which devastated the indigenous populations who had no immunity to these diseases. The adoption of American religion customs into Protestant Christianity did occur to some extent, but it was not a major result of the Age of Discovery.

Yes, your answer is correct. The result of European explorers discovering new lands during the Age of Discovery includes:

B) New foods and resources brought back to European markets: European explorers encountered and brought back various new foods, such as potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and chocolate, to European markets. They also discovered valuable resources like gold, silver, and other minerals, which greatly enriched European economies.

D) Many indigenous peoples of newly discovered lands were killed: Unfortunately, the arrival of European explorers led to widespread violence, disease, and displacement of indigenous peoples. Diseases like smallpox, to which indigenous populations had no immunity, spread rapidly and decimated their populations. Additionally, conflicts, colonization, and forced labor further contributed to the loss of many indigenous lives.

It's important to note that while some European explorers did adopt certain customs or religious practices from the indigenous peoples they encountered, such as blending elements of indigenous religions into Protestant Christianity, this was not as widespread or significant compared to the consequences mentioned above.