1. Consider the main character from "Stolen Day" and "The Night the Bell Fell" Discuss which character learns the most and which learn the least. use detail from the selection to support your ideas. Use the reading selection to help you answer the question

Sorry I cant leave the books

"Discuss" means you need to write at least a paragraph stating and explaining what you think about the topic.

You write it and someone here will critique it for you, if you wish.


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What is the answer

I have no clue, but you should if you have read the assigned reading selections.

To compare and analyze the main characters from "Stolen Day" and "The Night the Bell Fell" in terms of who learns the most and who learns the least, we need to examine their growth, experiences, and the lessons they obtain in the two stories.

In "Stolen Day," the main character is a young boy named Tommy. Throughout the story, he feigns illness to skip school and use his day off to explore the town's local ice-skating pond. However, as the day progresses, Tommy realizes that his perception of his adventurous day is far less exciting than he had anticipated. He learns that appearances can be deceiving and that sometimes, ordinary days can hold hidden treasures. Tommy admits his mistake and acknowledges the valuable lesson he has learned.

On the other hand, "The Night the Bell Fell" centers around another young boy named Daniel. In this story, Daniel is depicted as an anxious and fearful boy who is afraid of a bell tower in his town. Throughout the narrative, Daniel's fear escalates, impacting his everyday life and causing a strain in his relationship with his parents. However, when the bell tower collapses during a storm, Daniel witnesses the strength and resilience of his community as they join together to repair the damage. Through this experience, Daniel learns to overcome his fear and discovers the power of unity and support.

Comparing the two characters, Tommy and Daniel, it can be argued that Daniel learns the most. He undergoes a significant transformation from a fearful and anxious boy to someone who overcomes his fear and discovers the importance of community. This change has a profound impact on his character, shaping his outlook on life and bolstering his self-confidence.

On the other hand, Tommy's learning is more centered around self-reflection and the realization that his assumptions and desires can lead him astray. While his growth is essential, it is not as transformative as Daniel's.

In conclusion, Daniel from "The Night the Bell Fell" learns the most throughout the story, undergoing a significant change from a fearful boy to a confident individual who values the support of his community. Tommy from "Stolen Day" also learns a valuable lesson, but his growth is relatively less transformative compared to Daniel's.