Create an abstract representation of a citizenship process showing different ways of achieving it such as birth in a certain country, residing for a specific duration, completion of naturalization process, and through marriage. Alongside, illustrate the concept of voting as a serious civic responsibility, symbolizing its role in shaping the community and representative government. Finally, depict some key democratic values like military service, honesty, patriotism, and active participation in elections.

1. How does one become a citizen? Select all that apply

A) A person is born in the united states.
B) A person of foreign birth is granted citizenship after living in the u.s. for five years
C) A person of foreign birth successfully completes the naturalization process.
D) A person marries someone someones who is already a u.s. citizen.

2. Why is voting an important civic responsibility?

A It is part of the constitution.
B It is required by law.
C It determines the best-known members of a community.
D It ensures that government represents the people.

3. of the following choices,which ones are considered democratic values? Select all the apply.

A Serving in the military
B honesty
C patriotism
D voting in an election.


1) C,A

2) B

3) A,D



1.) A & C

2.) D
3.) B & C

1. A & C

2. D
3. B&C

If your a Pearson Connexus Student the answers for (3.7.6 - Quick Check: Citizens’ Rights and Responsibilities)

1. A.( A person is born in the United States) C.( A person of foreign birth successfully completes the naturalization process.)
2. D.( it ensures that government represents the people.
3. B. (honesty) C. (patriotism)
This is 100% correct

AC D BC correct


these are correct in 2020

none ya is right

A, C

B, C
Is still correct!

I will give you the answers and none ya are both right still!

1: a c

3:b c
On connxexus

Hall is correct 5/5

1 is A and C

2 is D
3 is B and C

Hal is Right 100%

hoi jim i havnt been on this site in years im now 18

the answers are 1. ac 2. d 3. b c these are 100% correct i just took the quick check

a c

b c

Thank you

These are all correct as of right now in 2020 also!

As of 9/13/2022 @yxngboy is correct for Connections.

-Plague Doctor

All of you are right

its the same as of 2023

@helpful person and @A Hooman Thats Correct are both 100% correct!!

Answers for 2021 Connexus

1. A and C
2. D
3. B and C

Guys listen to the people that are saying

1 A&C
2 D

1. A&C

2. D
3. B&C

Imagine not even changing the order after 5 years. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

In 2022 it is


Thhhhhaaaaannnnkkkksssss m8888sssss

@Aubrey Stein I love your website, its just a little cluttered. Maybe consider using lighter colors and spacing your posts? Other than that its great!

I'm so sorry for pasting the entire bee movie script here but enjoy

Thx 100%

Oct 26 2021 :( 4 years take me back :(

I got 5/5 Thanks guys!!!

1 A C

2 D
3 B C


holy hell the snitches really hit this one hard with the reports gawt dayum

BROO 6 YEARS Stiil correct C.S

they need to do better if they don't want us to cheat but still ac d bc

what is number 3

Helpful person is correct thank you!

you have wasted 2 minutes of my life, i hate this

Can Some one help me with this quiz/ answer What is a trustee? a person who acts on behalf others but does not hold responsibility a person who holds responsibility and acts on the behalf of others a person who conveys information to the people who hold responsibility a person who rules from another country Early and Colonial Georgia

Settling Georgia and the Charter of 1732
Settling Georgia and the Charter of 1732 Quiz Connexus



Comon stop trolling people with these constant reports

none ya is right.

Yxngboy is correct, thanks πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Guys first do the test then don’t turn it in, Use this website to ONLY check your answers

lol i completely forgot about getting OOPSIES!!!!! :'3

I said


Am I right??

2 is B

1 is correct.

2 is incorrect.

3 is partly correct, partly debatable. Check your text.