I apologize, I posted the wrong question on my last post! Oops! The actual question was::

In Chapter 3, why cant Jack get the pig to stay on his spear?

Thanks again!



why cant jack get the pig to saty on the spear

To find the answer to your question, you can refer to Chapter 3 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. If you don't have access to the specific chapter, you can look for summaries or analysis online.

Based on the provided SparkNotes link, in Chapter 3, Jack struggles to get the pig to stay on his spear due to his inexperience and lack of hunting skills. This chapter portrays Jack as a novice hunter, as he fails to successfully slaughter a pig. When he finally manages to injure one with his spear, he realizes that he lacks the knowledge and technique to secure the pig properly. Jack's frustration stems from his inability to control and dominate his prey, a concept that becomes crucial in the story.