At work one day, Erica franz received 7 packages. Speedy delivery delivered twice as many as ralph's exoress, while ralph express delivered one more than sandquick package service. how many packages did each serivce deliver to erica

yes, but the important part is ...

how did you set it up?

To solve this problem, we need to work backward from the given information. Let's start by assigning variables to represent the number of packages delivered by each service.

Let's say the number of packages delivered by Sandquick Package Service is "x." According to the problem, Ralph Express delivered one more than Sandquick Package Service, so Ralph Express delivered "x + 1" packages. Speedy Delivery delivered twice as many as Ralph Express, so Speedy Delivery delivered "2 * (x + 1)" packages.

Now, we know that Erica Franz received a total of 7 packages. Therefore, we can set up an equation:

x + (x + 1) + 2 * (x + 1) = 7

Let's solve this equation step by step:

x + x + 1 + 2x + 2 = 7
4x + 3 = 7
4x = 7 - 3
4x = 4
x = 4 / 4
x = 1

So, Sandquick Package Service delivered 1 package.
Ralph Express delivered 1 + 1 = 2 packages.
Speedy Delivery delivered 2 * (1 + 1) = 4 packages.

Therefore, Sandquick Package Service delivered 1 package, Ralph Express delivered 2 packages, and Speedy Delivery delivered 4 packages to Erica Franz.

is the answer

Speedy 4
Ralph 2
SendQuick 1