Why dis the great comprise establish a two-house legislature?

A.) to fairly represent all states

B.) to allow population growth

C.) to provide checks and balances

D.) to prevent unconstitutional laws

I think b but i'm not sure. Please help?




Why does a two-house legislature better represent all states?

To determine why the Great Compromise established a two-house legislature, it's helpful to understand the historical context. The Great Compromise was a pivotal agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which aimed to resolve the conflict between the states with large populations and those with small populations.

To find the correct answer, let's examine the options:

A) to fairly represent all states: This option is partially correct. One of the main issues discussed during the Great Compromise was how to fairly represent the states in the legislature. Under this agreement, the House of Representatives was established as the lower house, with representation based on each state's population. However, to solely attribute the two-house legislature to "fairly represent all states" would be incorrect.

B) to allow population growth: This option is not entirely correct. Although the population growth of the states was a factor considered during the Great Compromise, it does not explain why a two-house legislature was established.

C) to provide checks and balances: This option is partially correct. The establishment of a two-house legislature in the form of the House of Representatives and the Senate was intended to provide checks and balances. These two chambers, with different methods of representation (population-based representation in the House and equal representation for each state in the Senate), would ensure that no single branch of government or state gained too much power.

D) to prevent unconstitutional laws: This option does not directly address the reason why a two-house legislature was established. While the checks and balances provided by the two-house legislature may indirectly help prevent unconstitutional laws, it is not the primary purpose.

Based on the analysis, the best answer is C) to provide checks and balances. The two-house legislature established by the Great Compromise aimed to ensure a fair representation of states while also maintaining a system of checks and balances, balancing the interests of both smaller and larger states in the legislature.