Could you please tell me how to say "all in all" in French.

It snowed a bit more during the night but all in all it's not very much.
Il a neigé un peu plus pendant la nuit mais "all in all" il n'est pas beaucoup.
Thank you so much!

Is it maybe "somme toute"??

"all in all" = à tout prendre

Actually, instead "il n'est pas beaucoup" since you are referring to the preceding clause = ce n'est pas beaucoup.

BTW "en somme" or "somme toute" are good for they mean "in short, when all is said and done."

When you can't think of the "exact phrase" you want try another way to mean about the same thing!

Sra (aka Mme)

Merci beaucoup!!!

To find the translation of a phrase like "all in all" in French, you can use an online translation tool like Google Translate or a bilingual dictionary. Here's how you can do it using Google Translate:

1. Open a web browser and go to the Google Translate website.
2. Make sure the translation interface is set to translate from English to French. You can check this by making sure "English" is selected in the left drop-down menu and "French" is selected in the right drop-down menu.
3. Type "all in all" in the text box on the left.
4. Look at the translated phrase that appears in the text box on the right. In this case, it should display "tout bien considéré" or "tout compte fait."

Please note that translations can vary depending on the context and may not always be an exact match. It's always a good idea to consult a native speaker or language resource to ensure accuracy.