7/3y - 8 = 111


7/3y - 8 = 111

7/3y = 119

y = 119/(7/3)

y = 119 * (3/7)

y = 357/7 = 51

I need to find y, yes.

Thank you, Ms. Sue! I'm just not too amazing with fractions. I may need help with another


And you're welcome.

To solve the equation 7/3y - 8 = 111, follow these steps:

Step 1: Isolate the variable term.
Start by adding 8 to both sides of the equation to eliminate the -8 on the left side:

7/3y - 8 + 8 = 111 + 8

Simplifying the equation gives:
7/3y = 119

Step 2: Solve for y.
To solve for y, you need to get rid of the coefficient of y, which is 7/3. To do this, multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 7/3, which is 3/7:

(3/7)(7/3)y = (3/7)(119)

The left side simplifies to:
y = 51

Step 3: Check your solution.
Lastly, plug the found value of y back into the original equation to verify if it satisfies the equation:

7/3(51) - 8 = 111

Calculating both sides of the equation gives:
119 - 8 = 111

Since both sides are equal, the solution y = 51 is correct.