Sorry for the mix up -- here's what DrBob222 posted for the Chm or Chemistry question:

What subject is CHR? If you don't label the subjects correctly the proper tutor won't know you need help. This question can't be answered as posted. You need the concentration of the H2SO4 or the density and percent H2SO4 if it isn't pure. If it's pure, then 100% H2SO4 is 36N. Then mL1 x N1 = mL2 x N2. 500 x 2 = mL2 x 36 Solve for mL2.

DrBob222 is providing a response to a chemistry question, specifically regarding H2SO4 (sulfuric acid). However, the question itself seems to be incomplete or lacking some necessary information. The response mentions the need for the concentration of H2SO4 or its density and percent purity, if applicable.

To solve this question, DrBob222 suggests using the formula mL1 x N1 = mL2 x N2, where mL1 and N1 represent the volume and concentration of the starting solution, and mL2 and N2 represent the volume and concentration of the final solution.

In this case, DrBob222 assumed the starting solution has a concentration of 2 N (normality), and the final solution is 100% H2SO4 (36 N). By plugging in the values and solving the equation, you can find the volume (mL2) of the final solution.

To fully answer the question, you need to provide the initial concentration or density of the H2SO4 solution or clarify if it's pure. Then, you can follow the steps outlined by DrBob222 to find the final volume of the solution.