Which of the following does not support creating curriculum out of play?

A. Offering structured rules and guidelines
B. Giving children freedom of choice
C. Allowing sensory play with no objective measurement
D. Providing resources

my answer is c.

I agree.

To determine which of the given options does not support creating a curriculum out of play, we need to analyze each option and understand how it relates to creating curriculum through play.

A. Offering structured rules and guidelines: This option supports creating a curriculum out of play. Play can incorporate structured rules and guidelines that help children learn and develop specific skills or knowledge.

B. Giving children freedom of choice: This option also supports creating a curriculum out of play. Allowing children to have freedom of choice in their play activities allows them to explore their interests, develop problem-solving skills, and learn autonomously.

C. Allowing sensory play with no objective measurement: This option does not support creating a curriculum out of play. Curriculum development typically involves setting specific learning objectives and measuring progress. Allowing sensory play with no objective measurement may be valuable for children's creativity and sensorial development, but it does not align with curriculum-based goals.

D. Providing resources: This option supports creating a curriculum out of play. Providing resources such as toys, materials, and tools enhances the play experiences for children and promotes skill development.

Based on this analysis, option C, allowing sensory play with no objective measurement, is the correct answer as it does not align with creating a curriculum out of play.