Which of the following describes the emergence of social classes in early civilization?

A. people were ranked based on their family size

B. people ranked based on their religious beliefs

C. people were ranked according to their jobs and economic standing

D. people were ranked based on their skills in war.

please help


To determine which option accurately describes the emergence of social classes in early civilizations, we need to analyze each option:

A. People were ranked based on their family size: While family size might have played a role in some societies, it is not the primary factor that led to the emergence of social classes. Family size alone does not determine a person's social status.

B. People were ranked based on their religious beliefs: Religious beliefs can certainly influence social structures, but it is not the sole criterion for the emergence of social classes in early civilizations. Other factors typically had a stronger impact on social rankings.

C. People were ranked according to their jobs and economic standing: This option accurately describes one of the primary factors in the emergence of social classes in early civilizations. As societies developed, division of labor and economic specialization became important. The type of work individuals performed and their economic standing became vital factors in determining social standing.

D. People were ranked based on their skills in war: While military prowess might have been respected in certain societies, it was not the primary basis for social class stratification. Martial skills did not determine a person's overall standing within the society.

Considering the provided options, the answer is C. People were ranked according to their jobs and economic standing. This is the most accurate description of how social classes emerged in early civilizations.