Rajat types 3200 words in 1 hour how many words will he type in 15 minutes?

To find out how many words Rajat will type in 15 minutes, we can use a proportion.

We know that Rajat types 3200 words in 1 hour. To find the number of words he types in 15 minutes, we need to determine the proportion of time.

1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, so in 1 minute, Rajat will type:
3200 words / 60 minutes = 53.33 words/minute (approximated to two decimal places)

Since we want to know the number of words in 15 minutes, we can multiply the words per minute by 15:
53.33 words/minute × 15 minutes = 799.95 words

Therefore, Rajat will type approximately 800 words in 15 minutes.


words= rate*time

words= 3200/60min * 15 min