What would happen during DNA replication if DNA polymerase was not functional

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If DNA polymerase, the enzyme responsible for synthesizing new DNA strands during replication, was not functional, several consequences would occur during DNA replication:

1. No addition of nucleotides: DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing DNA strand. Without functional DNA polymerase, there would be no addition of new nucleotides, resulting in incomplete or no replication of the DNA.

2. Stalled or terminated replication forks: DNA replication proceeds bidirectionally from replication origins. The leading and lagging strands are synthesized simultaneously, but without DNA polymerase, the replication fork would stall or collapse, leading to the termination of replication.

3. DNA damage accumulation: DNA replication can be error-prone, and DNA polymerase has proofreading activity to detect and fix mistakes. Without functional DNA polymerase, errors and mutations would accumulate in the newly synthesized DNA strands, potentially leading to genetic disorders or cell death.

4. Cell cycle progression disruption: DNA replication is a crucial step in the cell cycle. Without functional DNA polymerase, cells would face difficulties in completing the S-phase of the cell cycle, leading to cell cycle arrest and impaired DNA synthesis.

To determine the consequences of DNA polymerase dysfunction, experiments using DNA polymerase inhibitors or genetic mutations impacting DNA polymerase activity have been conducted. These experiments have provided insights into the importance of DNA polymerase in DNA replication and its impact on various cellular processes.