Select the correct order of the GC components

Column, Recorder, Carrier Gas, Flow Controller, Detector

Recorder, Carrier Gas, Column, Detector, Injector port

Injector port, Carrier Gas, Detector, Recorder

Carrier Gas, Column Oven, Flow Controller, Detector

Carrier Gas, Flow Controller, Column, Detector, Recorder

my answer is the last one on list am I correct

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Yes, your answer of "Carrier Gas, Flow Controller, Column, Detector, Recorder" is the correct order for the components in gas chromatography. To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the purpose and function of each component.

1. Carrier Gas: This component carries the sample through the system. It is typically an inert gas such as helium or nitrogen.
2. Flow Controller: This regulates the flow rate of the carrier gas to ensure a consistent and controlled flow.
3. Column: This is where the separation of the sample components occurs. The sample is vaporized and injected into the column, and different components will interact with the stationary phase of the column at varying rates, leading to separation.
4. Detector: This component detects the separated components as they exit the column. There are various types of detectors used in gas chromatography, such as flame ionization detector (FID), thermal conductivity detector (TCD), and electron capture detector (ECD), to name a few.
5. Recorder: This captures and records the signals sent by the detector, allowing for the creation of chromatograms, which are graphical representations of the separated components.

Therefore, the correct order is: Carrier Gas, Flow Controller, Column, Detector, Recorder.