Here's another problem

The number of homes sold is growing according to a linear growth model. The first week 4 homes were sold (P0=4) The second week a total of 10 homes were sold. (P1=10)

n=0-1st week po=4 p1=10 d=6
n=1-2nd week d=p1-p0=10-4=6

Write the recursive Formula for the number of homes sold
pn in the (n+1)th week pn=pn-1+6

Write the explicit Formula for the number of homes sold
Pn in the (n+1)th week Pn=4+6n

If this trend continues how may homes will be sold in the 5th week?
n=4 -5th week

P4=4+6(4)=24+4=28 homes sold in the 5th week.

How did they get this answer of 28 if its the 5th week. because it seems it should be p4= 4+6(5)= 34 Please some body answer how they got this.

if n+1 = 5

then n = 4

pn6(5-1)+4= 24+4=28

To find the number of homes sold in the 5th week, we need to use the explicit formula:

Pn = 4 + 6n

Let's substitute n = 4 into the formula:

P4 = 4 + 6(4)
P4 = 4 + 24
P4 = 28

Therefore, the answer is indeed 28 homes sold in the 5th week. The formula calculates the number of homes sold based on the initial value of 4 and an increase of 6 homes each week. So, after 4 weeks (n = 4), the number of homes sold is 28.

It seems like there was a misunderstanding in your calculation. If you use P4 = 4 + 6(5) and get P4 = 34, you would actually be calculating for the 6th week, not the 5th week.