Which of the following best describes the town of Grover's Corner in Thornton Wilder's play, Our Town?


My choice is B

Why do you say that?


To determine the correct description of the town of Grover's Corner in Thornton Wilder's play, "Our Town," you can refer to the text or use literary analysis to understand the setting and atmosphere. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Read the play: Begin by reading or reviewing the play, paying attention to the details provided about Grover's Corner. You can analyze the dialogue, stage directions, or any descriptions provided by the characters.

2. Analyze the setting: Pay attention to the cultural and historical context in which the play is set. Consider any references to the time period, location, and the general ambiance of the town.

3. Look for clues in the text: Note any specific qualities or characteristics mentioned in relation to Grover's Corner. Look for descriptions, actions, or events that may provide insights into the nature and atmosphere of the town.

4. Consider the themes and messages: Reflect on the themes and messages conveyed throughout the play. The town's portrayal might align with the main ideas explored by the author.

After completing these steps, you'll be able to determine the best description of Grover's Corner based on your analysis of the play's text and themes.