Create a detailed image of a female lightning technician on a bustling movie set that's about to wrap up shooting after a week. She's working meticulously under the bright stage lights, surrounded by various movie equipment such as lighting rigs, reflectors, and cables. The atmosphere is filled with excitement and bittersweet anticipation of the project's completion. Make sure the image contains no text.

A lightning technician's work on a movie shoot ends in a week. what type of unemployment will she experience at that time?

A frictional

B structural

C casual

D cyclical

I think d but.... c sound correct

my spelling is correct

Have you looked up those 4 terms to make sure you understand what they mean?

Also, did she know in advance that she would be out of work once the movie shoot ended? How would that knowledge or lack of knowledge fit into one of those 4 terms (after you look them up, of course, and know what they mean)?


What did you decide?

c am i correct

also can you help with another answer?

its hich of the following happens to stoc when a company's profits fall?

A shareholders get stock insurance payments.

B shareholder's stock loses value.

C Shareholder are given more stock.

D shareholders cash in their interest.

Which* also thanks for the help

Please proofread before you hit that Submit button!

I'm not an economics tutor by any means, but common sense will tell you about the second question.

You are correct it's C; Casual. I'm 99.9% sure.

omg ms sue can u just tell him if he's right or not

She is not allowed to tell u the answer.

And double check the spelling of "c." Is it "casual" or "causal"? There's a big difference.