does any one know about what website you can learn about ( heating and cooling)

in mercury thermometers what temperature ranges do they measure?

When it comes to learning about heating and cooling systems, there are various websites where you can gather information. One reliable source is the U.S. Department of Energy's website ( They provide comprehensive articles and resources on heating and cooling systems, including information on energy-efficient practices, different types of systems, and tips for maintenance.

As for your specific question about mercury thermometers, to find out what temperature ranges they measure, you can start by searching for information on mercury thermometers. A good place to begin is on scientific and educational websites like WolframAlpha ( or Britannica ( These websites often contain detailed information and can provide you with the specific temperature ranges that mercury thermometers are designed to measure.

To search for the temperature ranges of mercury thermometers on the mentioned websites:

1. Visit or
2. Type "mercury thermometers" into the search bar.
3. Browse through the search results and click on relevant articles or pages.
4. Look for specific information about the temperature ranges measured by mercury thermometers.

By following these steps, you can find reliable information about the temperature ranges that mercury thermometers can measure.