I am having trouble with two words.

Match the words to their definition.


A. Rebellious
B. Extremely disobedient to the point of rebellion

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you find a word that you don't fully understand, always look it up in the dictionary. If that doesn't help enough, then look the word up in a Thesaurus for synonyms. It is true that at first glance these words all seem similar so looking them up will give you the nuances. After you try that, check with us again for verification!

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To find the definitions of these two words, "recalcitrant" and "defiant," you can start by looking them up in an online dictionary such as www.dictionary.com or www.thesaurus.com. Here's how you can do it:

1. Go to www.dictionary.com or www.thesaurus.com. These websites have a search bar where you can look up the definitions and synonyms of words.

2. Type "recalcitrant" into the search bar and press enter or click the search button.

3. The website will display the definition for "recalcitrant," which means "having a stubborn or uncooperative attitude." It can also refer to someone who is resistant to authority or control.

4. Repeat the same steps for the word "defiant."

5. Once you have the definitions for both words, you can match them to their respective definitions in the question.

In this case, the word "recalcitrant" matches with definition A - rebellious, and the word "defiant" matches with definition B - extremely disobedient to the point of rebellion.

Remember, using a dictionary and thesaurus is a great way to enhance your understanding of words and expand your vocabulary.