How many CDs will a salesperson need to sell to make $52.80 in commission if the commission rate is 8% and the CDs sell for $12 apiece?

I needed help I thought it has something to do with equation but guess not.

commission per CD = .08*12 = .96


Let x = the number of CDs he needs to sell.

12x * 0.08 = 52.80

0.96x = 52.80

x = 55

To find out how many CDs the salesperson needs to sell to make $52.80 in commission, we can use the equation:

Commission = Commission rate x Total sales

In this case, the commission rate is 8% (or 0.08 as a decimal) and the CDs sell for $12 each. We need to find the total sales that will result in a commission of $52.80.

Let's break down the equation step by step:

Commission = Commission rate x Total sales
$52.80 = 0.08 x Total sales

To isolate the Total sales, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.08:

Total sales = $52.80 / 0.08

Now we can calculate the value of Total sales:

Total sales = $660

Since each CD sells for $12, we can determine the number of CDs by dividing the total sales by the price of each CD:

Number of CDs = Total sales / Price per CD
Number of CDs = $660 / $12

Calculating this, we find:

Number of CDs = 55

Therefore, the salesperson needs to sell 55 CDs to make $52.80 in commission.