How to get 44 using the digits in 2017. You can use +,-,×,÷,√,!,!!,exponents. Double digit numbers are allowed. You can use each digit only once.

To get the number 44 using the digits in 2017, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by breaking down the given number 2017 into its individual digits: 2, 0, 1, and 7.

2. Now, let's work through different operations to reach the desired number 44.

3. Since we need a double-digit number, we can use the digit 2 twice. We will use it as the base for exponents and the factorial operations.

4. Using the digits 2 and 2, we can create the number 22.

5. Next, we can combine the 1 and 7 digits to create the number 17.

6. Now, we need to perform operations on these numbers to get closer to 44. Let's start by adding 22 and 17: 22 + 17 = 39.

7. Our result so far is 39. Now, let's find a way to make 39 into 44. We can use the square root (√) operation.

8. Square root (√) of 39 is approximately 6.24.

9. We still need to increase the value from 6.24 to 44. To achieve this, we can use the factorial (!) operation.

10. The factorial of 6 is: 6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720.

11. We can subtract 720 from 39 to get closer to 44: 39 - 720 = -681.

12. Finally, we can multiply -681 by -1 to make it positive: -681 x -1 = 681.

By following these steps, you can obtain the number 44 using the digits in 2017.