All things considered, it seems reasonable to accept that injecting a small dosage of drugs in animals as it could help and improve of find cures for the


This makes no sense.

Is there some punctuation missing and/or some excess words that need removing?

All things considered, it seems reasonable to accept that injecting a small dosage of drugs in animals is acceptable as it could help and improve to find cures for the illnesses. How can I improve? what words shall I remove?

I'd omit "to accept" and "as" and "and improve to" and put a period after "acceptable." I'd change "it" to "This practice"

What do you get?

I don't get it...

You don't get what? I told you exactly how to fix this sentence!

If you rewrite it all, as I told you above, I'll check it for you.

All things considered, it seems reasonable to that injecting a small dosage of drugs in animals is acceptable as this practice could help to find cures for the illnesses

You followed some of my directions but not all.


What do u mean by put a period after acceptable?

Exactly that. Make the first sentence stop there and start a new sentence.

Starting a new sentence will require some re-wording, which I've also told you how to do.

All things considered, it seems reasonable to that injecting a small dosage of drugs in animals is acceptable. This practice could help to find cures for the illnesses.

Like so?


Just remove "to" after "reasonable" and you'll be all set!



You're welcome.

what percentage of animal testing is successful

I'm not against it...

It's for my argumentative essay