What digestive enzymes does the pancreas produce (pertaining to the digestive system only)?

The only one I know is Pancreatic Amylase. Are there any more?

There is a list of seven digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas at


Yes, the pancreas produces several digestive enzymes that are important for the breakdown of different nutrients in the digestive system. Besides pancreatic amylase, here are the other main digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas:

1. Pancreatic Lipase: This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of fats (lipids) into smaller molecules called fatty acids and glycerol. It plays a vital role in the digestion and absorption of dietary fats.

2. Trypsin: This enzyme is involved in the digestion of proteins. It breaks down proteins into smaller peptides, which can be further broken down by other enzymes.

3. Chymotrypsin: Another enzyme involved in protein digestion, chymotrypsin acts on specific peptide bonds and helps convert proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids.

4. Pancreatic Proteases: These enzymes collectively refer to a group of enzymes produced by the pancreas that help break down proteins. Examples include elastase, carboxypeptidase, and nucleases.

In addition to these enzymes, the pancreas also secretes bicarbonate ions, which help neutralize the acidic contents coming from the stomach, creating a more suitable environment for the enzymes to work optimally.

To find this information, you can refer to reputable sources such as medical textbooks, physiology or anatomy books, or reliable online medical resources like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or medical university websites. These sources provide detailed information about the pancreas and its role in the digestive system.