PLEASE TELL ME THE ANSWER TO "blank 569 divided by 6 is about 400!!!!!!!!"


stop you do not have to be on here and get help do your own work and stop making it seem like a big deal when Mrs sue shouldn't do your work for you

so ericka stop and do your own work and if you need some to check your aswers than post it i come here to check peoples aswers and mine so plz stop taking people for advantage

6 * 400 = 2400

2 goes in the blank.

To find the value of the blank in the equation "blank 569 divided by 6 is about 400," we can use reverse division.

First, we multiply 400 by 6 to find the product:
400 x 6 = 2400

So, the blank number should be 2400 to make the equation correct.