At my side, my father’s pupils were dilated; they were dark, wide and frightened and the angry

expression in his eyes alone was enough for him to be arrested captured by the sheer loss of his
daughter. He was wild, unfocused and full of fury. A father who was usually so strong was rendered
weak and defenceless in his grief: he couldn’t do anything!
Could someone check this???

What do you want us to check?

punctuation and grammar

It looks good, except for one comma.

arrested, captured

Please check back a little later in case someone else has something to add.

what do you mean?

oh okay

Are you an english teacher?

so do i have to add the comma??

Yes, I'm an English teacher. And yes, the comma is necessary before the participial phrase.


I have another question

Why would you waste so much time asking these silly questions?

Ms. Sue is obviously a recognized tutor on this website. When she says, "Add the comma," she means it. I would, too.

Please don't waste any more time on this.

Nothing could have eradicated my suffering

or should I use eliminated instead

I was just asking? I'm new to this site:/

Both eradicated and eliminated are correct.

Thank you

what about My grief was poignant?

Check the definition of poignant to see if it means what you think.