For a project I have to come up with some allusions in a couplet format and I am iffy on how to write my own.

I was wondering if these were ok.

1) Their death by disease
Was not what they pleased. (I was going for a historical allusion to the Native Americans)

2) The town soon to be gone
But was rescued by dawn. (A historical allusion to what happened in Jamestown)

1. OK

2. There is no complete verb here, so it doesn't make sense to me. Please revise.

And would these work as well?

3) They claimed the foreign land
And took it by the hands.
4) The Natives’ lives turned black
When the strangers came packed.
(both historical allusions to what the european settlers did to the natives)

3 seems OK.

4 -- "came packed" = ???

Your couplets are a good start! I can help you refine and provide some guidance on creating effective allusions in a couplet format.

1) "Their death by disease, not what they pleased" is a good attempt at a historical allusion to Native Americans. However, it could be further improved by providing some specific context or reference to a well-known event, tribe, or figure from Native American history. For example:

"Their death by smallpox, denied dreams they sought,
Like blankets tainted with a painful plot."

In this revised version, I alluded to the historical event of smallpox-infected blankets intentionally given to Native Americans during colonization. By adding this detail, the allusion becomes more specific and impactful.

2) "The town soon to be gone, but rescued by dawn" is also a good start for a historical allusion to Jamestown. However, you could add more depth and vividness to the couplet by incorporating a specific reference or historical event. For instance:

"The town on the brink of a perilous plight,
Yet saved by supply ships arriving at first light."

This revised version references the critical arrival of supply ships that saved the struggling settlers of Jamestown. By adding this historical event, the allusion becomes clearer and more engaging.

To create effective allusions in couplets or other forms of poetry, it can be helpful to choose historical events, figures, or cultural references that are widely known and relevant to your audience. Additionally, strive to be descriptive and specific in your language to enhance the impact of your allusion.