You have \$20$20dollar sign, 20 to spend on taxi fare. The ride costs \$5$5dollar sign, 5 plus \$2.50$2.50dollar sign, 2, point, 50 per mile.

Let mmm represent the number of miles ridden. Write an inequality to determine how many miles you can ride for \$20$20dollar sign, 20.

What is the maximum whole number of miles you can ride for \$20?$20?dollar sign, 20, question mark


You don't have to print "dollar sign." "$5" is adequate.

This is what I assume you mean:

You have $20 to spend on taxi fare. The ride costs $5 plus $2.50 per mile.

$5 + $2.50m ≤ $20

Solve for m.

hey, what is the second part's answer????


Thank you so much bro.

yh whats the second part??????????????/

The maximum whole number of miles you can ride for $20 is 6 miles.

To find the maximum whole number of miles you can ride for $20, we need to use the given information.

Let's break down the information we have:
- The initial fare is $5.
- Each additional mile costs $2.50.

Let's assume the number of miles ridden is represented by "m".

The cost of the ride (C) can be calculated using the formula: C = 5 + 2.50m.

Since we have $20 to spend, we want to write an inequality to determine how many miles we can ride. The cost of the ride (C) should be less than or equal to $20.

So the inequality would be: 5 + 2.50m ≤ 20.

To find the maximum whole number of miles, we need to solve this inequality.

Step 1: Subtract 5 from both sides: 2.50m ≤ 15.
Step 2: Divide both sides by 2.50: m ≤ 6.

This means that the maximum whole number of miles you can ride for $20 is 6.

your a doll

heck yes but I don't under stand
