Create an image capturing the spirit of the 1920s that includes distinct elements related to the question. It should display a dance marathon showcasing people dancing with gusto, a woman breaking norms by wearing pants, road rallies with vintage cars speeding off, and a cozy corner for poetry reading. It should reflect a society deeply engrossed in the pursuit of material wealth and fun, as represented by, for instance, a group of well-dressed people engaged in lively conversation, laughter, and a pile of banknotes and coins. The cultural trends of the time should be depicted by including the rise of jazz music with a jazz band playing lively tunes, daring fashions for women showing bold sartorial choices, and showcasing the rise of African American literature with a person engrossed in reading a book.

1. Which of the following is an example of a fad from the 1920s?

A. A dance marathon
B. A women wearing pants
C. Road Rallies***
D. Poetry Readings

2. What belief regarding Americans did many writers of the era hold?

A. People only want to read about good things
B. Americans viewed life too seriously
C. Americans cared too much about money and fun***
D. Americans were more sophisticated than Europeans

3. Which of the following are examples of cultural trends during the 1920s? Select all that apply. (There are three right answers)

A. The rise of jazz music***
B. Daring fashions for women***
C. Worship of opera singers
D. African American literature***


3.a, b, d

Thanks Celebrimbor you are correct the answers are

3.a, b, d

also if anyone has the quiz answers please provide them

Excellent! Celebrimbor is correct.



1. a

2. c


1. A

2. C
3. A, B, D
They're all still correct on February 1st, 2022.

Craft the Three Elven Rings Celebrinbor! lol

Answers are


thanks 100% correct
